Century X
Quatrain 10,1
A L'ennemy, l'ennemy foy promise
Ne se tiendra, les captifs retenus:
Prins preme mort, & le reste en chemise.
Damn le reste pour estre soustenus.
To the enemy, the enemy faith promised
Will not be kept, the captives retained:
One near death captured, and the remainder in their shirts,
The remainder damned for being supported.
Quatrain 10,2
Voille gallere voil de nef cachera,
La grande classe viendra sortir la moindre,
Dix naues proches tourneront pousser,
Grande vaincue vnics soy ioindre.
The ship's veil will hide the sail galley,
The great fleet will come the lesser one to go out:
Ten ships near will turn to drive it back,
The great one conquered the united ones to join to itself.
Quatrain 10,3
En apres cinq troupeau ne mettra hors vn
Fuitif pour Penelon laschera,
Faux murmurer, secours vnir pour lors,
Le chef le siege pour lors abandonnera.
After that five will not put out the flock,
A fugitive for "Penelon" he will turn loose:
To murmur falsely then help to come,
The chief will then abandon the siege.
Quatrain 10,4
Sur la minuict conducteur de l'armee
Se sauuera subit esuanouy
Sept ans apres la fame non blasmee,
A son retour ne dira onc ouy.
At midnight the leader of the army
Will save himself, suddenly vanished:
Seven years later his reputation unblemished,
To his return they will never say yes.
Quatrain 10,5
Albi & Castres feront nouuelle ligue,
Neuf Arriens Lis bon & Portugues,
Carcas, Tholouse consumeront leur brigue,
Quand chef neuf monstre de Lauragues.
Albi and Castres will form a new league,
Nine Arians Lisbon and the Portuguese:
Carcassonne and Toulouse will end their intrigue,
When the chief new monster from the Lauraguais.
Quatrain 10,6
Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont,
Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre.
Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront,
Vesta sepulchre feu esteint apparoistre.
The Gardon will flood Nmes so high
That they will believe Deucalion reborn:
Into the colossus the greater part will flee,
Vesta tomb fire to appear extinguished.
Quatrain 10,7
Le grand conflit qu'on appreste Nancy,
L'Aemathien dira tout ie soubmets,
L'Isle Britanne par vin sel en solcy:
Hem, mi. deux Phi. long temps ne tidra Mets.
The great conflict that they are preparing for Nancy,
The Macedonian will say I subjugate all
The British Isle in anxiety over wine and salt,
"Hem. mi." Philip two Metz will not hold for long.
Quatrain 10,8
Index & poulse parfondera le front,
De Senegalia le Conte son fils propre,
La Myrnamee par plusieurs de prin front,
Trois dans sept iours blesss mort.
With forefinger and thumb he will moisten the forehead,
The Count of Senigallia to his own son:
The Venus through several of thin forehead,
Three in seven days wounded dead.
Quatrain 10,9
De Castillon figuieres iour de brune,
De femme infame naistra souuerain Prince:
Surnom de chausses perhume luy posthume,
Onc Roy ne fut si pire en sa prouince.
In the Castle of Figueras on a misty day
A sovereign prince will be born of an infamous woman:
Surname of breeches on the ground will make him posthumous,
Never was there a King so very bad in his province.
Quatrain 10,10
Tasche de meurdre, enormes adulteres,
Grand ennemy de tout le genre humain:
Que sera pire qu'ayeuls, oncles ne peres,
Enfer, feu, eaux, sanguin & inhumain.
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
Great enemy of the entire human race:
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers,
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
Quatrain 10,11
Dessous Ionchere du dangereux passage,
Fera passer le posthume sa bande.
Les monts Pyrens passer hors son bagage,
De Parpignan courira duc Tende.
At the dangerous passage below Junquera,
The posthumous one will have his band cross:
To pass the Pyrrenees mountains without his baggage,
From Perpignan the duke will hasten to Tende.
Quatrain 10,12
Esleu en Pape, d'esleu se mocqu,
Subit soudain esmeu prompt & timide,
Par trop bon doux mourrir prouoqu,
Crainte esteinte la nuict de sara mort guide.
Elected Pope, as elected he will be mocked,
Suddenly unexpectedly moved prompt and timid:
Through too much goodness and kindness provoked to die,
Fear extinguished guides the night of his death.
Quatrain 10,13
Souz la pasture d'animaux ruminant,
Par eux conduicts au ventre helbipolique,
Soldats cachez, les armes bruit menant,
Non long temptez de cit Antipolique.
Beneath the food of ruminating animals,
led by them to the belly of the fodder city:
Soldiers hidden, their arms making a noise,
Tried not far from the city of Antibes.
Quatrain 10,14
Vrnel Vaucile sans conseil de soy mesmes,
Hardit timide, car crainte prins vaincu,
Accompagn de plusieurs putains blesmes
A Barcellonne au Chartreux conuaincu.
"Urnel Vaucile" without a purpose on his own,
Bold, timid, through fear overcome and captured:
Accompanied by several pale whores,
Convinced in the Carthusian convent at Barcelona.
Quatrain 10,15
Pere duc vieux d'ans & de soif charg,
Au iour extreme fils desniant l'esguiere.
Dedans le puits vif mort viendra plong.
Senat au fil la mort longue & legere.
Father duke old in years and choked by thirst,
On his last day his don denying him the jug:
Into the well plunged alive he will come up dead,
Senate to the thread death long and light.
Quatrain 10,16
Heureux au regne de France, heureux de vie,
Ignorant sang, mort fureur & rapine:
Par mon flateurs sera mis en enuie,
Roy desrob, trop de foye en cuisine.
Happy in the realm of France, happy in life,
Ignorant of blood, death, fury and plunder:
For a flattering name he will be envied,
A concealed King, too much faith in the kitchen.
Quatrain 10,17
La Royne estrange voyant sa fille blesme,
Par vn regret dans l'estomach enclos:
Cris lamentables seront lors d'Angolesme,
Et au germains mariage forclos.
The convict Queen seeing her daughter pale,
Because of a sorrow locked up in her breast:
Lamentable cries will come then from Angoulme,
And the marriage of the first cousin impeded.
Quatrain 10,18
Le ranc Lorrain fera place Vendosme,
Le haut mis bas, & le bas mis en haut,
Le fils de Mamon sera esleu dans Rome,
Et les deux grands seront mis en defaut.
The house of Lorraine will make way for Vendme,
The high put low, and the low put high:
The son of Mammon will be elected in Rome,
And the two great ones will be put at a loss.
Quatrain 10,19
Iour que sera par Royne saluee,
Le iour apres se salut, la premiere:
Le compte fait raison & valbuee,
Par auant humble oncques ne fut si fiere.
The day that she will be hailed as Queen,
The day after the benediction the prayer:
The reckoning is right and valid,
Once humble never was one so proud.
Quatrain 10,20
Tous les amis qu'auront tenu party,
Pour rude en lettres mis mort & saccag.
Biens publiez par fixe grand neanty,
Onc Romain peuple ne fut tant outrag.
All the friends who will have belonged to the party,
For the rude in letters put to death and plundered:
Property up for sale at fixed price the great one annihilated.
Never were the Roman people so wronged.
Quatrain 10,21
Par le despit du Roy soustenant moindre,
Sera meurdry luy presentant les bagues:
Le pere au fils voulant noblesse poindre,
Fait comme Perse jadis firent les Magues.
Through the spite of the King supporting the lesser one,
He will be murdered presenting the jewels to him:
The father wishing to impress nobility on the son
Does as the Magi did of yore in Persia.
Quatrain 10,22
Pour ne vouloir consentir au diuorce,
Qui puis apres sera cogneu indigne:
Le Roy des isles sera chass par sorte,
Mais son lieu qui de roy n'aura signe.
For not wishing to consent to the divorce,
Which then afterwards will be recognised as unworthy:
The King of the Isles will be driven out by force,
In his place put one who will have no mark of a king.
Quatrain 10,23
Au peuple ingrat faictes les remonstrances.
Par lors l'armee se saisira d'Antibe,
Dans l'arc Monech feront les doleances,
Et Freius l'vn l'autre prendra ribe.
The remonstrances made to the ungrateful people,
Thereupon the army will seize Antibes:
The complaints will place Monaco in the arch,
And at Freius the one will take the shore from the other
Quatrain 10,24
Le captif prince aux Itales vaincu
Passera Gennes par mer iusqu' Marceille,
Par grand effort des forens suruaincu
Sauf coup de feu barril liqueur d'abeille.
The captive prince conquered in Italy
Will pass Genoa by sea as far as Marseilles:
Through great exertion by the foreigners overcome,
Safe from gunshot, barrel of bee's liquor.
Quatrain 10,25
Par Nebro ouurir de Bisanne passage,
Bien esloignez el tago fara moestra,
Dans Pelligouxe sera commis l'outrage,
De la grand dame assise sur l'orchestra
Through the Ebro to open the passage of "Bisanne,"
Very far away will the Tagus make a demonstration:
In "Pelligouxe" will the outrage be commited,
By the great lady seated in the orchestra.
Quatrain 10,26
Le successeur vengera son beau frere,
Occuper regne souz vmbre de vengeance,
Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,
Long temps Bretaigne tiendra auec la France.
The successor will avenge his brother-in-law,
To occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance:
Obstacle slain his blood for the death blame,
For a long time will Brittany hold with France.
Quatrain 10,27
Par le cinquiesme & vn grand Hercules
Viendront le temple ouurir de main bellique,
Vn Clement, Iule & Ascans recules,
L'espee, clef, aigle, n'eurent onc si grand picque.
Through the fifth one and a great Hercules
They will come to open the temple by hand of war:
One Clement, Julius and Ascanius set back,
The sword, key, eagle, never was there such a great animosity.
Quatrain 10,28
Second & tiers qui font prime musique
Sera par Roy en honneur sublimee,
Par grance & maigre presque demy eticque
Raport de Venus faux rendra deprimee.
Second and third which make prime music
By the King to be sublimated in honor:
Through the fat and the thin almost emaciated,
By the false report of Venus to be debased.
Quatrain 10,29
De Pol MANSOL dans cauerne caprine
Cach & prins extrait hors par la barbe,
Captif mene comme beste mastine
Par Bergourdans amenee pres de Tarbe.
In a cave of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole a goat
Hidden and seized pulled out by the beard:
Led captive like a mastiff beast
By the Bigorre people brought to near Tarbes.
Quatrain 10,30
Nepveu & sang du sainct nouueau venu,
Par le surnom soustient arcs & couuert
Seront chassez mis mort chassez nu,
En rouge & noir conuertiront leur vert.
Nephew and blood of the new saint come,
Through the surname he will sustain arches and roof:
They will be driven out put to death chased nude,
Into red and black will they convert their green.
Quatrain 10,31
Le sainct Empire, viendra en Germanie
Ismalites trouueront lieux ouuerts,
Asnes voudront aussi la Carmania
Les soustenans de terre tous couuerts.
The Holy Empire will come into Germany,
The Ishmaelites will find open places:
The asses will want also Carmania,
The supporters all covered by earth.
Quatrain 10,32
Le grand empire chacun an deuoit estre,
Vn sur les autres le viendra obtenir:
Mais peu de temps sera son reigne & estre,
Deux ans naues se pourra soustenir.
The great empire, everyone would be of it,
One will come to obtain it over the others:
But his realm and state will be of short duration,
Two years will he be able to maintain himself on the sea.
Quatrain 10,33
La faction cruelle robe longue,
Viendra cacher souz ses pointus poignards,
Saisir Florence le Duc & lieu diphlonque,
Sa descouuerte par immurs & flangnards.
The cruel faction in the long robe
Will come to hide under the sharp daggers:
The Duke to seize Florence and the diphthong place,
Its discovery by immature ones and sycophants.
Quatrain 10,34
Gaulois qu'empire par guerre occupera,
Par son beau frere mineur sera trahy:
Pour cheual rude voltigeant trainera,
Du fait le frere long temps sera hay.
The Gaul who will hold the empire through war,
He will be betrayed by his minor brother-in-law:
He will be drawn by a fierce, prancing horse,
The brother will be hated for the deed for a long time
Quatrain 10,35
Puisnay royal flagrant d'ardant libide,
Pour se iouyr de cousine germaine:
Habit de femme au temple d'Arthemide,
Allant meurdry par incognu du Maine.
The younger son of the king flagrant in burning lust
To enjoy his first cousin:
Female attire in the Temple of Artemis,
Going to be murdered by the unknown one of Maine.
Quatrain 10,36
Apres le Roy du soucq guerres parlant,
L'Isle Harmotique le tiendra mespris:
Quelques ans bons rongeant vn & pillant,
Par tyrannie l'isle changeant pris.
Upon the King of the stump speaking of wars,
The United Isle will hold him in contempt:
For several good years one gnawing and pillaging,
Through tyranny in the isle esteem changing.
Quatrain 10,37
L'assemblee grande pres du lac de Borget,
Se ralieront pres du Montmelian:
Marchans plus outre pensifs feront proget
Chambry, Moraine combat sainct Iulian.
The great assembly near the Lake of Bourget,
They will meet near Montmelian:
Going beyond the thoughful ones will draw up a plan,
Chambry, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Saint-Julien combat.
Quatrain 10,38
Amour allegre non loing pose le siege.
Au sainct barbar seront les garnisons:
Vrsins Hadrie pour Gaulois feront plaige,
Pour peur rendus de l'armee aux Grisons.
Sprightly love lays the siege not far,
The garrisons will be at the barbarian saint:
The Orsini and "Adria" will provide a guarantee for the Gauls,
For fear delivered by the army to the Grisons.
Quatrain 10,39
Premier fils vefue malheureux mariage,
Sans nuls enfans deux Isles en discord:
Auant dixhuict incompetant eage,
De l'autre pres plus bas sera l'accord.
First son, widow, unfortunate marriage,
Without any children two Isles in discord:
Before eighteen, incompetent age,
For the other one the betrothal will take place while younger.
Quatrain 10,40
Le ieune n'ay au regne Britannique,
Qu'aura le pere mourant recommand,
Iceluy mort LONOLE donra topique,
Et son fils le regne demand.
The young heir to the British realm,
Whom his dying father will have recommended:
The latter dead "Lonole" will dispute with him,
And from the son the realm demanded.
Quatrain 10,41
En la frontiere de Caussa & de Charlus,
Non guieres loing du fonds de la valee:
De ville franche musique son de luths,
Enuironnez combouls & grand mittee.
On the boundary of Caussade and Caylus,
Not at all far from the bottom of the valley:
Music from Villefranche to the sound of lutes,
Encompassed by cymbals and great stringing.
Quatrain 10,42
Le regne humain d'Angelique geniture,
Fera son regne paix vnion tenir:
Captiue guerre demy de sa closture,
Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir.
The humane realm of Anglican offspring,
It will cause its realm to hold to peace and union:
War half-captive in its enclosure,
For long will it cause them to maintain peace.
Quatrain 10,43
Le trop bon temps trop de bont royale,
Fais & deffais prompt subit negligence.
Legier croira faux d'espouse loyalle,
Luy mis mort par beneuolence.
Too much good times, too much of royal goodness,
Ones made and unmade, quick, sudden, neglectful:
Lightly will he believe falsely of his loyal wife,
He put to death through his benevolence.
Quatrain 10,44
Par lors qu'vn Roy sera contre les siens,
Natifs de Bloys subiuguera Ligures,
Mammel, Cordube & les Dalmatiens,
Des sept puis l'bre Roy estrnes & lemeures.
When a King will be against his people,
A native of Blois will subjugate the Ligurians,
Memel, Cordoba and the Dalmatians,
Of the seven then the shadow to the King handsel and ghosts.
Quatrain 10,45
L'ombre du regne de Nauarre non vray,
Fera la vie de sort illegitime:
La veu promis incertain de Cambray,
Roy Orleans donra mur legitime.
The shadow of the realm of Navarre untrue,
It will make his life one of fate unlawful:
The vow made in Cambray wavering,
King Orleans will give a lawful wall.
Quatrain 10,46
Vie soit mort de l'or vilaine indigne,
Sera de Saxe non nouueau electeur:
De Brunsuic mandra d'amour signe,
Faux le rendant au peuple seducteur.
In life, fate and death a sordid, unworthy man of gold,
He will not be a new Elector of Saxony:
From Brunswick he will send for a sign of love,
The false seducer delivering it to the people.
Quatrain 10,47
De bourze ville la dame Guyrlande,
L'on mettra sur par la trahison faicte
Le grand prelat de Leon par Formande,
Faux pelerins & rauisseurs deffaicte.
At the Garland lady of the town of Burgos,
They will impose for the treason committed:
The great prelate of Leon through "Formande",
Undone by false pilgrims and ravishers.
Quatrain 10,48
Du plus profond de l'Espaigne enseigne,
Sortant du bout & des fins de l'Europe,
Troubles passant aupres du pont de Laigne,
Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand troupe.
Banners of the deepest part of Spain,
Coming out from the tip and ends of Europe:
Troubles passing near the bridge of "Laigne",
Its great army will be routed by a band.
Quatrain 10,49
Iardin du monde aupres de cit neufue,
Dans le chemin des montaignes cauees:
Sera saisi & plong dans la Cuve,
Beuuant par force eaux soulphre enuenimees.
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
Quatrain 10,50
La Meuse au iour terre de Luxembourg,
Descouurira Saturne & trois en lurne:
Montaigne & pleine, ville cit & bourg,
Lorrain deluge, trahison par grand hurne.
The Meuse by day in the land of Luxembourg,
It will find Saturn and three in the urn:
Mountain and plain, town, city and borough,
Flood in Lorraine, betrayed by the great urn.
Quatrain 10,51
Des lieux plus bas du pays de Lorraine
Seront des basses Allemaignes vnis:
Par ceux du siege Picards, Norms, du Maisne,
Et aux cantons se seront renis.
Some of the lowest places of the land of Lorraine
Will be united with the Low Germans:
Through those of the see Picards, Normans, those of Main,
And they will be joined to the cantons.
Quatrain 10,52
Au lieu o Laye & Scelde se marient,
Seront les nopces de long temps maniees:
Au lieu d'Anuers o la crappe charient,
Ieune viellesse consorte intaminee.
At the place where the Lys and the Scheldt unite,
The nuptials will be arranged for a long time:
At the place in Antwerp where they carry the chaff,
Young old age wife undefiled.
Quatrain 10,53
Les trois pelices de loing s'entrebatront,
La plus grand moindre demeurera l'escoute:
Le grand Selin n'en sera plus patron,
Le nommera feu pelte blanche routte.
The three concubines will fight each other for a long time,
The greatest one the least will remain to watch:
The great "Selin" will no longer be her patron,
She will call him fire shield white route.
Quatrain 10,54
Nee en ce monde par concupine fertiue,
A deux haut mise par les tristes nouuelles,
Entre ennemis sera prinse captiue,
Et amenee Malings & Bruxelles.
She born in this world of a furtive concubine,
At two raised high by the sad news:
She will be taken captive by her enemies,
And brought to Malines and Brussels.
Quatrain 10,55
Les malheureuses nopces celebreront
En grande ioye mais la fin malheureuse,
Mary & mere nore desdaigneront,
Le Phybe mort, & nore plus piteuse.
The unfortunate nuptials will be celebrated
In great joy but the end unhappy:
Husband and mother will slight the daughter-in-law,
The Apollo dead and the daughter-in-law more pitiful.
Quatrain 10,56
Prelat royal son baissant trop tir,
Grand fleux de sang sortira par sa bouche,
Le regne Angelicque par regne respir,
Long temps mort vifs en Tunis cme souche.
The royal prelate his bowing too low,
A great flow of blood will come out of his mouth:
The Anglican realm, a realm pulled out of danger,
For long dead as a stump alive in Tunis.
Quatrain 10,57
Le subleu ne cognoistra son sceptre,
Les enfans ieunes des plus grands honnira:
Oncques ne fut vn plus ord cruel estre,
Pour leurs espouses mort noir bannira.
The uplifted one will not know his sceptre,
He will disgrace the young children of the greatest ones:
Never was there a more filthy and cruel being,
For their wives the king will banish them to death.
Quatrain 10,58
Au temps du dueil que le felin monarque
Guerroyera la ieune Aemathien:
Gaule bransler, perecliter la barque,
Tenter Phossens au Ponant entretien.
In the time of mourning the feline monarch
Will make war upon the young Macedonian:
Gaul to shake, the bark to be in jeopardy,
Marseilles to be tried in the West a talk.
Quatrain 10,59
Dedans Lyon vingtcinq d'vne haleine,
Cinq citoyens Germains, Bressans, Latins:
Par dessous noble conduiront longue traine.
Et descouuers par abbois de mastins.
Within Lyons twenty-five of one mind,
Five citizens, Germans, Bressans, Latins:
Under a noble one they will lead a long train,
And discovered by barks of mastiffs.
Quatrain 10,60
Ie pleure Nisse, Mannego, Pize, Gennes,
Sauonne, Sienne, Capu Modene, Malte:
Le dessus sang, & glaiue par estrennes,
Feu, trembler terre, eau. malheureuse nolte.
I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa,
Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena, Malta:
For the above blood and sword for a New Year's gift,
Fire, the earth to tremble, water, unfortunate nolition.
Quatrain 10,61
Betta, Vienne, Emorte, Sacarbance,
Voudront liurer aux Barbares Pannone:
Par picque & feu enorme violance,
Les coniurez descouuers par matrone.
"Betta," Vienna, "Emorte," Sopron,
They will want to deliver Pannonia to the Barbarians:
Enormous violence through pike and fire,
The conspirators discovered by a matron.
Quatrain 10,62
Pres de Sorbin pour assaillir Ongrie,
L'heraut de Brudes les viendra aduertir:
Chef Bisantin, Sallon de Sclauonie,
A loy d'Arabes les viendra conuertir.
Near "Sorbia" to assail Hungary,
The herald of "Brudes" will come to warn them:
Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia,
He will come to convert them to the law of the Arabs.
Quatrain 10,63
Cydron, Raguse, la cit au sainct Hieron,
Reuerdira le medicant secours:
Mort fils de Roy par mort de deux heron,
L'Arabe, Hongrie feront vn mesme cours.
Cydonia, Ragusa, the city of St. Jerome,
With healing help to grow green again:
The King's sons dead because of the death of two heroes,
Araby and Hungary will take the same course.
Quatrain 10,64
Pleure Milan, plure Luques, Florence,
Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera,
Changer le siege pres de Venise s'aduance,
Lors que Colonne Rome changera.
Weep Milan, weep Lucca and Florence,
As your great Duke climbs into the chariot:
The siege to change it advances to near Venice,
When at Rome the Colonna will change.
Quatrain 10,65
O vaste Rome ta ruyne s'approche,
Non de tes murs, de ton sang & substance
L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,
Fer pointu mis tous iusques au manche.
O vast Rome, thy ruin approaches,
Not of thy walls, of thy blood and substance:
The one harsh in letters will make a very horrible notch,
Pointed steel driven into all up to the hilt.
Quatrain 10,66
Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,
L'Isle d'Escosse tempiera par gelee:
Roy Reb auront vn si faux Antechrist,
Que les mettra trestous dans la meslee.
The chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and "Reb" will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.
Quatrain 10,67
Le tremblement si fort au mois de may,
Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au boeuf:
Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay,
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn oeuf.
A very mighty trembling in the month of May,
Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo,
Hail will fall larger than an egg.
Quatrain 10,68
L'armee de mer deuant cit tiendra,
Puis partira sans faire longue allee:
Citoyens grande proye en terre prendra,
Retourner classe prendre grande emblee.
The army of the sea will stand before the city,
Then it will leave without making a long passage:
A great flock of citizens will be seized on land,
Fleet to return to seize it great robbery.
Quatrain 10,69
Le fair luysant de neuf vieux esleu,
Se ront si grands par Midy, Aquilon:
De sa soeur propre grandes alles leu,
Fuyant meurdry au buisson d'Ambellon.
The shining deed of the old one exalted anew,
Through the South and "Aquilon" they will be very great:
Raised by his own sister great crowds,
Fleeing, murdered in the thicket of "Ambellon."
Quatrain 10,70
L'oeil par obiect fera telle excroissance,
Tant & ardante que tombera la neige:
Champ arrous viendra en decroissance,
Que le primat succombera Rege.
Through an object the eye will swell very much,
Burning so much that the snow will fall:
The fields watered will come to shrink,
As the primate succumbs at Reggio.
Quatrain 10,71
La terre & lair geleront si grand eau,
Lors qu'on viendra pour Ieudy venerer:
Ce qui sera iamais ne fut si beau,
Des quatre parts le viendront honorer.
The earth and air will freeze a very great sea,
When they will come to venerate Thursday:
That which will be never was it so fair,
From the four parts they will come to honor it.
Quatrain 10,72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Quatrain 10,73
Le temps present auecques le pass,
Sera iug par grand Iouialiste:
Le monde tard luy sera lass,
Et desloyal par le clerg iuriste.
The present time together with the past
Will be judged by the great Jovialist:
The world too late will be tired of him,
And through the clergy oath-taker disloyal.
Quatrain 10,74
Au reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe:
Non esloign du grand aage milliesme,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
Quatrain 10,75
Tant attendu ne reuiendra iamais,
Dedans l'Europe en Asie apparoistra:
Vn de la ligue yssu du grand Hermes,
Et sur tous Roys des Orients croistra.
Long awaited he will never return
In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East.
Quatrain 10,76
Le grand Senat discernera la pompe,
A l'vn qu'apres sera vaincu chass:
Ses adherans seront son de trompe
Biens publiez, ennemis dechassez.
The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
Quatrain 10,77
Trente adherans de l'ordre des quirettes
Bannis, leurs biens donnez ses aduersaires:
Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites,
Classe espargie deliurez aux Corsaires.
Thirty adherents of the order of "Quirites"
Banished, their possessions given their adversaries:
All their benefits will be taken as misdeeds,
Fleet dispersed, delivered to the Corsairs.
Quatrain 10,78
Subite ioye en subite tristesse,
Sera Rome aux graces embrassees:
Dueil, cris, pleurs, larm. sang, excellent liesse
Contraires bandes surprinses & troussees.
Sudden joy to sudden sadness,
It will occur at Rome for the graces embraced:
Grief, cries, tears, weeping, blood, excellent mirth,
Contrary bands surprised and trussed up.
Quatrain 10,79
Les vieux chemins seront tous embellys,
Lon passera Memphis somentree:
Le grand Mercure d'Hercules fleur de lys,
Faisant trembler terre, mer & contree.
The old roads will all be improved,
One will proceed on them to the modern Memphis:
The great Mercury of Hercules fleur-de-lis,
Causing to tremble lands, sea and country.
Quatrain 10,80
Au regne grand du grand regne regnant,
Par force d'armes les grands portes d'airain:
Fera ouurir, le Roy & Duc ioignant,
Fort demoly, nef fons, iour serain.
In the realm the great one of the great realm reigning,
Through force of arms the great gates of brass
He will cause to open, the King and Duke joining,
Fort demolished, ship to the bottom, day serene.
Quatrain 10,81
Mis tresors temple citadins Hesperiques,
Dans iceluy retir en secret lieu:
Le temple ouurir les liens fameliques,
Reprens, rauis, proye horrible au milieu.
A treasure placed in a temple by "Hesperian" citizens,
Therein withdrawn to a secret place:
The hungry bonds to open the temple,
Retaken, ravished, a horrible prey in the midst.
Quatrain 10,82
Cris, pleurs, larmes viendront auec couteaux,
Semblant fuyr, donront dernier assaut,
L'entour parques planter profonds plateaux,
Vifs repoussez & meurdris de plinsaut.
Cries, weeping, tears will come with knives,
Seeming to flee, they will deliver a final attack,
Parks around to set up high platforms,
The living pushed back and murdered instantly.
Quatrain 10,83
De batailler ne sera donn signe,
Du parc seront contraints de sortir hors:
De Gand l'entour sera cogneu l'ensigne,
Qui fera mettre de tous les siens morts.
The signal to give battle will not be given,
They will be obliged to go out of the park:
The banner around Ghent will be recognized,
Of him who will cause all his followers to be put to death.
Quatrain 10,84
La naturelle si haut non bas,
Le tard retour fera marris contens:
Le Recloing ne sera sans debats,
En employant & perdant tout son temps.
The illegitimate girl so high, not low,
The late return will make the grieved ones contended:
The Reconciled One will not be without debates,
In employing and losing all his time.
Quatrain 10,85
Le vieil tribun au point de la trehemide
Sera pressee, captif ne deliurer,
Le vueil, non vueil, le mal parlant timide,
Par legitime ses amis liurer.
The old tribune on the point of trembling,
He will be pressed not to deliver the captive:
The will, non-will, speaking the timid evil,
To deliver to his friends lawfully.
Quatrain 10,86
Comme vn gryphon viendra le Roy d'Europe,
Accompagn de ceux d'Aquilon,
De rouges & blancs conduira grand troupe,
Et iront contre le Roy de Babylon.
Like a griffin will come the King of Europe,
Accompanied by those of "Aquilon":
He will lead a great troop of red ones and white ones,
And they will go against the King of Babylon.
Quatrain 10,87
Grd Roy viendra prendre port pres de Nisse,
Le grand empire de la mort si en fera
Aux Antipolles, posera son genisse,
Par mer la Pille tout esuanouyra.
A Great King will come to take port near Nice,
Thus the death of the great empire will be completed:
In Antibes will he place his heifer,
The plunder by sea all will vanish.
Quatrain 10,88
Pieds & Cheual la seconde veille,
Feront entree vastient tout par la mer:
Dedans le poil entrera de Marseille,
Pleurs, crys, & sang, onc nul temps si amer.
Foot and Horse at the second watch,
They will make an entry devastating all by sea:
Within the port of Marseilles he will enter,
Tears, cries, and blood, never times so bitter.
Quatrain 10,89
De brique en mabre seront les murs reduits,
Sept & cinquante annees pacifiques:
Ioye aux humains, renou l'aqueduict,
Sant, temps grands fruicts, ioye & mellifiques.
The walls will be converted from brick to marble,
Seven and fifty pacific years:
Joy to mortals, the aquaduct renewed,
Health, abundance of fruits, joy and mellifluous times.
Quatrain 10,90
Cent fois mourra le tyran inhumain,
Mis son lieu sauant & debonnaire,
Tout le Senat sera dessous sa main,
Fasch sera par malin temeraire.
A hundred times will the inhuman tyrant die,
In his place put one learned and mild,
The entire Senate will be under his hand,
He will be vexed by a rash scoundrel.
Quatrain 10,91
Clerg Romain l'an mil six cens & neuf,
Au chef de l'an feras election:
D'vn gris & noir de la Compagnie yssu,
Qui onc ne fut si maling.
In the year 1609, Roman clergy,
At the beginning of the year you will hold an election:
Of one gray and black issued from Campania,
Never was there one so wicked as he.
Quatrain 10,92
Deuant le pere l'enfant sera tu,
Le pere apres entre cordes de ionc,
Geneuois peuple sera esuertue,
Gisant le chef au milieu comme vn tronc.
Before his father the child will be killed,
The father afterwards between ropes of rushes:
The people of Geneva will have exerted themselves,
The chief lying in the middle like a log.
Quatrain 10,93
La barque neufue receura les voyages,
L & aupres transfereront l'Empire:
Beaucaire, Arles retiendrons les hostages,
Pres deux colomnes trouuees de Porphire.
The new bark will take trips,
There and near by they will transfer the Empire:
Beaucaire, Arles will retain the hostages,
Near by, two columns of Porphyry found.
Quatrain 10,94
De Nismes d'Arles, & Vienne contemner,
N'obeyr ledict d'Hespericque:
Aux labouriez pour le grand condamner,
Six eschappez en habit seraphicque.
Scorn from Nismes, from Arles and Vienne,
Not to obey the "Hesperian" edict:
To the tormented to condemn the great one,
Six escaped in seraphic garb.
Quatrain 10,95
Dans les Espaignes viendra Roy trespuissant,
Par mer & terre subiugant or Midy:
Ce ma fera, rabaissant le croissant,
Baisser les aisles ceux du Vendredy.
To the Spains will come a very powerful King,
By land and sea subjugating the South:
This evil will cause, lowering again the crescent,
Clipping the wings of those of Friday.
Quatrain 10,96
Religion du nom de mers vanicra,
Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
Secte obstinee deploree craindra
Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph.
The Religion of the name of the seas will win out
Against the sect of the son of "Adaluncatif":
The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid
Of the two wounded by A and A.
Quatrain 10,97
Triremes pleines tout aage captif,
Temps bon mal, le doux pour amertume:
Proye Barbares trop tost seront hatifs,
Cupid de voir plaindre au vent la plume.
Triremes full of captives of every age,
Good time for bad, the sweet for the bitter:
Prey to the Barbarians hasty they will be too soon,
Anxious to see the feather wail in the wind.
Quatrain 10,98
La splendeur claire pucelle ioyeuse,
Ne luyra plus, long temps sera sans sel:
Auec marchans, ruffiens, loups odieuse,
Tous pesle mesle monstre vniuersel.
For the merry maid the bright splendor
Will shine no longer, for long will she be without salt:
With merchants, bullies, wolves odious,
All confusion universal monster.
Quatrain 10,99
La fin le loup, le lyon, beuf, & l'asne,
Timide dama seront auec mastins:
Plus ne cherra eux la douce manne,
Plus vigilance & custode aux mastins.
The end of wolf, lion, ox and ass,
Timid deer they will be with mastiffs:
No longer will the sweet manna fall upon them,
More vigilance and watch for the mastiffs.
Quatrain 10,100
Le grand empire sera par Angleterre,
Le pempotam des ans de trois cens:
Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,
Les Lusitains n'en seront par contens.
The great empire will be for England,
The all-powerful one for more than three hundred years:
Great forces to pass by sea and land,
The Lusitanians will not be satisfied thereby.