State Mottos



FLORIDA: The Gunshine State

ALABAMA: Literacy Ain't Everything

ARKANSAS: At Least We're not Oklahoma

ILLINOIS: Gateway to Iowa

KENTUCKY: Tobacco is a Vegetable

MAINE: For Sale

MONTANA: Land of the Big Sky, and Very Little Else

NEW JERSEY You Have the Right to Remain Silent, You Have the Right to an Attorney...

NEW MEXICO: Lizards Make Excellent Pets

NORTH CAROLINA: Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names

OHIO: Don't Judge us by Cleveland

PENNSYLVANIA: Cook with Coal

SOUTH DAKOTA: Closer than North Dakota

TENNESSEE: The Educashun State

TEXAS: Si Hablo Ingles

UTAH: Our Jesus is Better than Your Jesus

CALIFORNIA: The Granola State -or- Nobody's actually from here.

KANSAS: Hay fever capital of the Midwest.

COLORADO: Too wimpy to cross the mountains so we stopped here.

NEBRASKA: More corn than Kansas.

MISSOURI: Gateway to Kansas.

LOUISIANA: Cancer Alley's just a name, and names will never hurt you.

NEVADA: More Weirdos than Alaska (Warmer Too).

MICHIGAN: Land of the free, home of the Buick.

ARIZONA: Winter home to 150,000 snowbirds.

FLORIDA: Elephant Graveyard; where old Republicans go to die.

MINNESOTA: Not Sweden, but we try to act like it.

WISCONSIN: Land of funny accents.

IDAHO: Nothing here.

OREGON: As pretty as California but not as weird.