More Funny Signs



1) On a Barry Jolly Plumbing Van-Cincinnati area
"A flush beats a full house!"
- Laura Engelman

2) This is what is on a sign at a little restaurant.
"Eat here or we'll both starve"
- Christine M. Kumiega

3) I have a neighbor, a urologist, with his license plate
"NOPCME" (no p c me)
- Tom Roberts

4) In a hospital car park in Kitakyushu, Japan
"Anyone found parking without a permit will be given an injection"
Think they should have threatened an enema!
- Malcolm Swanson

5) Ohio Road Sign Prosperity 30 mi -
<- Clinton 70 mi
- Scott Adams

6) Actually seen hanging in a gas station several years ago:

Our Credit Advisor is Mrs. Helen Waite.
If you want credit from us, go to Helen Waite.
(If you don't get it, repeat it slowly)
- Dennis Eshelman

7) Advertisement for a radiator repair shop:
"Best place in town to take a leak".
- Jerry Warner

8) In the key west internationl airport's souvenier store
"unattended children will be sold into slavery"
- Eric D

9) In the bathroom of a mom and pop store
"we aim to please, so, please, you aim too."
- Brad Henderson

10) Sign on a retail store door in Stevens Point, WI:

PUSH, if it doesn't open,
PULL, if it still doesn't open,
- Steven Schellin