Make Money Fast



Read on, 'cause you know you have nothing else to do.


I'm Cy Sperling, and I have some aWeSoMe news that I really think you need to hear. I mean, you have a hole in your life, and I'm going to fill it. This is your wet dream, trust me on this one.

Have you ever thought, "How can I make some serious -- or for that matter, sad, depressed or amused -- cash in a hurry?" Are those 'job' things too much work for the likes of you? Do your welfare cheques take too long to arrive? Have you ever been in serious debt? Does Bruce, the loan shark's extra large cousin, want to break your legs?

Grab a Twix, a cup of iced tea and a couple shots of vodka (to soften you up for my pitch) and listen to this interesting, exciting and fun find. If you've ever been to Disneyworld, it won't compare to reading this short post, which is packed with more mind-blowing excitement than an entire new iD game!

Let me start by saying, "Sucker! You can't possibly still be reading this, can you? You're more gullible than I thought!" I hate those schemes like part-time employment, full-time employment, retail sales and other gainful employment... the list goes on forever. I have tried every darn means to get money out there for the past 12 years, and even selling myself to middle-aged pedophiles wasn't as fun as this.

Somehow, just like you, I ended up being targetted by a dimwitted moron who believed that someone would be stupid enough to send them money after reading their posts on the internet, and I shelled out just like you're going to after reading this post, and let me tell you right now, I'm going to rip you off big-time. You'll never see a fuckin' cent. I had maxed out my mom's VISA and emptied my kid sister's piggy bank, and still, not a response. I bet those people are really laughing it up, when they realized how stupid I was, and that some people really were dumb enough to fall for it.

Then, later, I was listening to some IRC channel, and I heard a few people discussing a plan to GET CASH FAST. They were planning this all on the Internet, and I knew right then that this was the deal for me. The desscribed in detail how to make over $50,000,000 in cash without sending any money away, at all! Well, the more I thought about it, the more my head started to hurt, so I stopped thinking and just went for it, and now I'm t he proud owner of a 1963 Ford Mustang, which I park outside my new condo.

Ok, so without paying a cent, I took my father's colt-45 from his dresser, donned a balaclava, and headed down to the local bank. I passed them a copy of my patented, trademarked threatening letter, which is effective in 10-15 seconds, and pointed the gun right at the teller.
Within minutes, I was driving away, cash in hand. You too can succeed at this ploy if you use my secret formula, available for only $25!

If you get caught, I'll even refund your $25 dollars, providing you fill out these thirty-four forms in triplicate, accompanied by the refund processing fee of $5 per form.

Not only have I managed to succeed at the local bank, but I've also knocked over a few local bars and a convenience store, all for less than an hour of my time! I teill you, THAT WAS EXCITING!!

So how much did I get for my total return? $50? $100? Not even!!! I received a total of $345,383,219.62 from my various ventures around my home state. I couldn't believe it! I now have a brand new black pen, which I use to draw on the walls when I get bored! Now, after 12 months of lying low, I am ready to do it again! Maybe it was possible to break the million dollar mark, I don't know, but it COMPLETELY DEPENDS ON YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL, as well as the cash in stock in your particular target area!

You must follow through and repeat this process everywhere you can think of. The more places you use my patented procedure, the more money you will acquire! And since you'll be hiding from the government anyway, it's all tax-free! It's just too easy to pass up!!!

Let's review the reasons why you should do this: The only cost factors are for the small handgun, a box of bullets and some relatively anonymous clothing to cover you head to foot. Then simply repeat my trademarked process as often as you can and sit back and watch the cash flow in!

We all have handguns to put into such an easy, effortless investment, the founding fathers protected our rights to carry 'em! And think of the SPECTACULAR REALISTIC RETURNS of $15,000 to $500,000 per target location! So hold off on those lottery numbers, and just apply my process at the lotto booth! Eat at home tonight, instead of going out in public where you might be seen, and take advantage of your privacy to load your handgun! You can't lose!

So, how do you do it exactly, you ask? I have carefully provided the most detailed, yet straightforward instructions on how to make my process work, and get your cash the easy way. Are you ready to make some cash? Here we go!

[1] Take a sheet of paper, and write on it the following: "Please give me all your money. This is a holdup."

This creates a clear message that you can give to bank tellers, convenience store owners and other target staff. You are not just giving them a piece of paper, you're maintaining your anonymity by not letting them hear your voice! And it's all perfectly legal! No-one has -ever- been convicted of writing on a piece of paper! I assure you that, again, this step is completely legal! Make sure you don't include your name and address.

For a neat little twist, also write, "If you refuse, I will kill all of your relatives." Just to add a little fun! This is all about having fun and making money at the same time!

[2] Now, put the sheet of paper in your pocket, and check your handgun. Is it loaded? This step is important! If it isn't, or you don't have one, please acquire and load your handgun before proceeding.

[3] Now, listen carefully, here's where you get YOUR MONEY COMING TO YOUR HANDS. Open the phonebook, flip through the pages and find a likely target. Dress up in black, untraceable clothing and cover your head with a balaclava.
Give the note to the target staff, and point your gun at him or her, then wait for the money.

[4] Now, return home as quickly as you can, making sure you are not being followed. Run inside, and hide the money some place safe! Put a catchy description on your money hiding place like: WARNING, HIGH VOLTAGE, to deter casual snoopers.

[5] If you need help hiding the money, please feel free to send some to me, I have extensive experience on how to hide it so that you'll never see it again.

[6] This is the step I like. Just sit back and enjoy life because you have lots of cash! Any time you want, you can repeat steps one through five, and get more! All you need to do is keep your curtains closed, never leave the house, and order a hell of a lot of delivery food! Expect the heat to die down in six months or so, at which point you can continue with your life as previously enjoyed. All you ahve to do is sit around in your house and try not to scream too loud when you realize how likely you are to get caught!