Mac vs. PC Guys


You            Mac Guys           PC Guys
----           --------           -------

Your stereo    1 Manufacturer's   Random individual
               entire system,     components strung
               with a single      together with 
               master remote      Radio Shack
               control            adapters
The way        By label color,    In strict
your CD's      ordered            alphabetical
are            according to the   order (e.g.,
arranged       spectrum from      Madonna is under
               red to violet,     C for Ciccone)
               to make a nice

Your           Hire a good        Painstakingly
approach       mechanic (a PC     dismantle the
to auto        person, of         engine yourself,
repair         course)            checking and
                                  rechecking each

Your           Even if there      You insist on
approach       are only a         the freedom to
to dating      handful of girls   date virtually
               you're compatible  every girl on 
               with, it's OK as   earth, no matter
               long as they're    how frustrating
               beautiful,         the interface
               intuitive, and

Your dream     As an unpaid,      As a $250-an-
moonlighting   independent        hour 
job            filmaker           programmer
How            Cool               Normal
makes you