IQ Test


How smart do you think you are?

Here's a little quiz:

   20 Correct - Genius
   17 Correct - Above Normal
   15 Correct - Normal
    8 Correct - Nincompoop
    6 Correct - Moron
    3 Correct - Idiot

1. Do they have a 4th of July in England?

2. How many birthdays does the average man have?

3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?

4. A woman gives a beggar 50 cents; the woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How come?

5. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?

6. How many outs are there in an inning?

7. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? Why?

8. Two men play five games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are not ties. Explain this.

9. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer?

10. A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure. A big bear walks by, what color is the bear? Why?

11. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?

12. I have two US coins totaling 55 cents. One is not a nickel. What are the coins?

13. If you have only one match and you walked into a room where there was an oil burner, a kerosene lamp, and a wood burning stove, which one would you light first?

14. How far can a dog run into the woods?

15. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last?

16. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left?

17. How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark?

18. A clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10'' tall. What does he weigh?

19. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen?

20. What was the president's name in 1950?

 Answers are Below

1. Yes
2. One
3. All of them (12)
4. The beggar is her sister.
5. He can't be buried if he isn't dead.
6. 6
7. No - because he is dead.
8. They aren't playing each other.
9. 70
10. White. The house is at the North Pole so it is a polar bear.
11. 2
12. 50 cent piece and a nickel. (The other one is a nickel)
13. The match.
14. Half way. Then he is running out of the woods.
15. 1 Hour
16. 9
17. None - Noah took them on the ark.
18. Meat
19. 12
20. Same as it is now.
Fwd: Editors Note: hi, how'd ya do? Here some more classic questions that come to mind (my brain is a trap for all kinds of stuff like this)

a) If a plane crashes on the border of the US and Canada where are the survivors buried?

b) An electric train is travelling due south. The wind is coming from the east, which way will the trains' smoke blow?

c) A rooster is sitting on the roof of Joe's house. If he lays an egg and it rolls to the right, it lands in Joes property. But if rolls to the left, it will be on his neighbor Sam's land. Should Sam be allowed to keep the eggs?

d) Joe also has a potato plant that is growing near the edge of his property. Sam says he wants to pick any potato he sees growing over his fence. Can Sam pick the potato?

answers are below

a) survivors aren't buried
b) electric trains don't have smoke
c) roosters don't lay eggs
d) potatos grow underground.