EMail Quiz

<body> Jerome Comeau@GAPINC
01/22/98 12:20 PM
How to tell if you're a technogeek: an interactive EMail Quiz.

Clarification: a technogeek, or in the vernacular, a geek, is a resectable member of society who is necessary to the maintenace of society's technological infrasturcture while not a predator on it. For instance: Margret Comeau (my sister and a computer programmer) is a geek. Bill Gates is a jerk. Therein lies the difference.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Do you check your email:
A. once a day
B. twice a day
C. more than twice a day
D. check? what do you mean, check? I have the shell running constantly, and if I'm away from the desktop, I have the system set up to page me

2. How many hours do you spend at the computer:
A. one to two hours a day
B. two to four hours a day
C. more than four hours a day
D. I had to quit my job for time to sleep

3. The primary use for your computer is:
A. job related paperwork and email
B. school related paperwork and email
C. personal paperwork and email
D. the total domination of Known Space through the manipulation of digital information...and for browsing on the web

4. The computer you use is:
A. an IBM PC or Compatible desktop model
B. an Apple MacIntosh or PowerPC desktop model
C. an IBM PC or compatible, or an Apple MacIntosh or PowerPC Laptop model
D. a custom built platform, an intranet network hub, a mainframe workstation, or all of the former

5. A pin is:
A. what helps you hold up the hem of your pants while you sew
B. something colourful you wear on your lapel
C. the number you use to get money from the ATM
D. where the drive data ribbon hooks up to the motherboard

6. How much time do you spend with family members:
A. one to two hours a day
B. two to three hours a day
C. four or more hours a day
D. I interact with them all day via my live videoconferencing link

7. Your preferred mode of communication is:
A. telephone
B. eMail
C. face-to-face contact
D. live datalink via Shockwave Javalink and RealAudio 4.0 Voicelink

8. Complete the following sentence: I prefer soft...
A. sheets.
B. caresses.
C. money.
D. ware.

9. When I say Bill Gates, you say:
A. Millionare.
B. Corporate CEO.
C. Dorky looking rich man.
D. Robber Baron bent on world domination and assimilation. Resistance is futile.

10. At the bottom of every email, I:
A. restate my name as a signature
B. close with an ASCII character portrait
C. spell check
D. have a pithy comment (usually a quotation from dilbert or zippy the pinhead) automatically set to tack on the bottom of every email I send.

11. I thought this quiz was:
A. pointless.
B. clever.
C. mildly amusing.
D. a good test of practical knowledge for life in the information age.

If you even bothered to read this quiz, you're a geek. If you answered any of the questions, you're a geek. If you answered any of the questions with the letter D, you need professional help.


Jerome Comeau
Self-Professed Techno-geek

Ceci n'est pas mon signature.